Mobile. Smart. Effective.
Car Dealer Intelligence is the modern way to manage all the data within your motor business.
Request a demoFeatures
Check out the features of both our Mobile Application and the Management Dashboard below
When selecting the Customers tool, a user can easily add, track and follow up with customers wherever and whenever necessary.
This slick feature brings everything on to the smartphone from adding personal and contact details to entering the cars they are interested in, and of course closing the sale. It builds up a unique profile for each prospective customer.

Stock Management can be a frustrating process as well as time consuming. With the Car Dealer Intelligence App, a user can simply enter a car registration and all of the cars details will populate.
For increased efficiency, there is also an option to link in with your existing platforms.
The App will also notify all staff when a sale or trade-in is made.

Sales Ranking
A little competition never hurt anyone! The sales ranking function allow users to see where they stand in comparison to other sales reps either within their own organisation or across a franchise.
This allows managers to track their employee’s performance, compare them against peers and put in place incentives to drive sales.

Follow Up
This function acts as a digital diary for users whereby on any given day they can check what follow up’s are needed to be actioned or indeed which need to be actioned over the coming days.
When dealing directly with customers, a sales representative can easily add a follow up if the customer does not wish to buy at that moment.

Both from the Management Dashboard as well as the App, managers have, on the go, real time access to everything that is happening within their division.
Reports, charts and tables are presented using state of the art display tools to make reporting easier than ever before.

My Sales
For the sales staff within the organisation, My Sales allows you to keep track of your own personal sales performance v targets.
It also allows you to check sales over a period of time Daily/ Monthly/ Annually.
It will also show a breakdown of commissions earned either through actual cars sold or extras sold.

Customer Data Collection
Data is what drives a lot of what we do at Car Dealer Intelligence. From the decisions we make to the products we launch.
Capturing data is critical to the business and in turn drives its growth.
We place a specific emphasis on ensuring this can be done as simply and efficiently as possible, so functions such as adding new cars, adding trade in cars, creating adverts, checking the price of car, are all designed to automatically pull as much of the data from an existing database, reducing a lot of the hassle from carrying out such tasks.